Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Is Rhinoplasty Worth the Cost? Important Nose Job Benefits to Consider

Aug 7, 2024 @ 09:00 AM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

The cause of your insecurities or trouble breathing can be as clear as the nose on your face. Luckily, you don’t have to stay loyal to a look that puts a damper on your daily life. That’s because you have Dr. Anya Kishinevsky on your side. Our board-certified plastic surgeon helps potential Norwalk and Bridgeport, CT, rhinoplasty patients determine if plastic surgery is right for them. It’s a rigorous process for your safety and health, but her friendly demeanor keeps patients completely at ease. If you’re a good candidate and you want to enjoy benefits like these, a nose job can absolutely be worth the money.

Easier Breathing

When you have trouble breathing, it can take a toll on your ability to do daily activities like exercising or sleeping. This can worsen each time you get a cold too, making your sick days even more stressful. Luckily, a nose job from Dr. Kishinevsky can actually improve your breathing and the aesthetics of your nose at the same time. That’s because it can address concerns that affect how you breathe, like a deviated septum and small nostrils.

Repaired Trauma

In many cases, a rhinoplasty can be a necessary surgery. If you’ve undergone trauma to the nose, it can affect your nasal struction, functionality, and appearance. However, you’re not alone. Dr. Kishinevsky can help you recover completely using a targeted rhinoplasty procedure.

Improved Self-Esteem

Have you ever just wanted to feel more comfortable in your own skin? A custom rhinoplasty can target your exact concerns, like large nostrils, bumps and twists, or a wide bridge. That way, you can feel more confident each and every day.

Better Mental Health

Distress about your self-image can genuinely impact your mental health. If you’ve avoided photos, social gatherings, or even looking in the mirror, a rhinoplasty can change all that. You can also rest assured that our board-certified plastic surgeon will only treat you if your expectations are realistic and if your anatomy is well-suited to the process.

Changed Quality of Life

Together, all the benefits of rhinoplasty can lead to a better wellbeing. It can positively impact your social life, your ability to breathe, and your self-esteem, all with one procedure.

Not Sure What to Expect? Check out Our Results Gallery

We believe in giving patients a realistic look at what a nose job can do, so they can see exactly why it justifies the price. That’s why our results gallery is full of different transformations made possible by Dr. Kishinevsky. From bumps, to bridges, you can take a look and see how we create a personalized approach to a variety of concerns.

Bet on Yourself With Custom Rhinoplasty

The truth is, getting a nose job isn’t an act of vanity. It’s a bet on your confidence, mental health, and even overall wellness. Selecting the right doctor can make all the difference too. If you’re tired of living with insecurities or trouble breathing, board-certified plastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky can help. Her vast resúmé includes both plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery, making her an excellent choice for rhinoplasty in Norwalk, CT. She even offers non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty for patients who are apprehensive about surgery. You can reach out to our friendly team to see if you’re a good candidate for a nose job. During your consultation, we can give you a rough estimate of the price of a nose job — and go through even more reasons why it’s well worth the cost.