Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Is Revision Rhinoplasty Right for You?

May 10, 2021 @ 09:00 AM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is intended to improve the appearance of the nose. However, patients aren’t always happy with the results. Revision rhinoplasty, also referred to as secondary or tertiary rhinoplasty, involves further contouring of the nose after previous nasal surgery to improve aesthetics and function. Patients generally choose revision rhinoplasty because they are unhappy with the look or function of their nose. 

Dr. Anya Kishinevsky cares deeply about how you feel and see yourself. Dr. Kishinevsky and her highly-trained staff offer a range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures to patients from Norwalk, CT, Fairfield, CT, Bridgeport, CT, and other areas of the northeast.


You may be here because you or a loved one are displeased with the outcome of a previous rhinoplasty procedure. Revision rhinoplasty may be right for you if: 

Revision rhinoplasty is often more difficult than primary rhinoplasty. Some obstacles to repairing rhinoplasty may be: 

Cosmetic vs. Reconstructive Surgery

Revision rhinoplasty surgery can involve reconstructive techniques, cosmetic techniques, or a combination of both. Reconstructive rhinoplasty improves the function of the nose to help patients with imperfections that:

If the way your nose looks is adversely affecting your confidence, you may want to consider cosmetic changes. Cosmetic rhinoplasty changes the structure of the nose to contour:

If you are still struggling with the look and function of your nose, a combination of reconstructive and cosmetic changes can happen in a single surgery. Talk with Dr. Kishinevsky about your goals so we can develop a tailored treatment plan.


Revision rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia, and the surgery can take up to three hours. Lack of existing cartilage often requires a cartilage graft from the ear or rib.

Incisions will be made inside and under the nose. These incisions will be sutured with invisible stitches that will dissolve on their own.


Revision rhinoplasty recovery is quite similar to regular rhinoplasty.

Pain is described as mild to moderate by most patients. Swelling can last for up to a year, but mostly subsides by three months after surgery. You’ll be able to return to work after one to two weeks. Refrain from exercise for at least one month.

Many patients enjoy their new noses after a month of recovery, but it can take one to five years for final results to set in.

Book an Appointment Today

After weighing the risks and rewards, revising your rhinoplasty procedure may be the solution to finally feel confident in your own skin. Call (203) 388-9919 or message us online to ask about revision rhinoplasty.